Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver BC Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver BC
Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver BC is live
First Sunday of Lent | February 21
Guest Speaker
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Service Notes
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Join us in prayer on the First Sunday of Lent. 

Dean Christopher A. Pappas Presides and Preaches at this Eucharist service. 

A pdf of the bulletin is availabe here. 

The text of the bulletin is available below. 

Gathering of the Community

The Great Litany
Prayer of approach to God

Cantor God the Father, creator of heaven and earth,
All Have mercy on us.
Cantor God the Son, redeemer of the world,
All Have mercy on us.
Cantor God the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide,
All Have mercy on us.
Cantor Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three persons and one God,
All Have mercy on us.

Prayers for deliverance
Cantor Lord, remember not our offences, nor the offences of our forebears; spare us,
good Lord, spare your people whom you have redeemed with your precious blood.
All Spare us, good Lord.

Cantor From all evil and mischief, from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the devil,
from your wrath, and from everlasting condemnation,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor From all spiritual blindness, from pride, vainglory, and hypocrisy;
from envy, hatred, and malice; and from all want of charity,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor From all deadly sin, and from the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor From all false doctrine, heresy, and schism; from hardness of heart,and contempt of your word and commandment,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor From earthquake and tempest; from drought, fire, and flood; from civil strife and
violence; from war and murder; and from dying suddenly and unprepared,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Prayers recalling Christ’s saving work

Cantor By the mystery of your holy incarnation, by your baptism, fasting, and temptation; and by your proclamation of the kingdom,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor By your agony and bitter grief, by your cross and passion, by your precious death and burial, by your glorious resurrection and ascension,
and by the coming of the Holy Spirit,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Cantor In our times of trouble, in our times of prosperity, in the hour of death, and on the day of judgement,
All Good Lord, deliver us.

Prayers of intercession
Cantor Receive now our prayers, Lord God. May it please you to rule and govern your holy Church universal and lead it in your way.
All Hear us, good Lord.

For our country
Cantor Strengthen your servant Elizabeth our Queen in true worship and holiness of life,
be her defender and keeper, that she may always seek your honour and glory,
and endue the leaders of this nation with wisdom and understanding.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Bless and defend all who strive for our safety and protection, and shield them in all dangers and adversities.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Grant wisdom and insight to those who govern us, and to judges and magistrates the grace to execute justice with mercy.
All Hear us, good Lord.

For the Church
Cantor Enlighten all bishops, priests, and deacons
with true knowledge and understanding of your word,
that in their preaching and living they may declare it clearly and show its truth.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Bless all your servants preparing for ministry in your Church. Pour your grace upon them that they may serve others as Christ himself has served us,
for the building up of his Body in love.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Encourage and prosper your servants who spread the gospel in all the world, and send out labourers into the harvest.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Bless and keep your people, that all may find and follow their true vocation and ministry.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Give us a heart to love and reverence you, that we may diligently live according to your commandments.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor To all your people give growth in grace to listen to your word, to receive it gladly, and to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Strengthen those who stand firm in the faith, encourage the faint-hearted,
raise up those who fall, and finally beat down Satan under our feet.
All Hear us, good Lord.

For all people

Cantor To all nations grant unity, peace, and concord,
and to all people give dignity, food, and shelter.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Grant us abundant harvests, strength and skill to conserve the resources of the earth, and wisdom to use them well.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Enlighten with your Spirit all who teach and all who learn.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Come to the help of all who are in danger, necessity, and trouble;protect all who travel by land, air, or water; and show your pity on all prisoners and captives.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Strengthen and preserve all women who are in childbirth,
and all young children, and comfort the aged and lonely.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Defend and provide for the widowed and the orphaned, the refugees and the homeless, the unemployed, and all who are desolate and oppressed.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Heal those who are sick in body or mind, and give skill and compassion to all who care for them.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Cantor Grant us true repentance, forgive our sins, and strengthen us by your Holy Spirit to amend our lives according to your holy word.
All Hear us, good Lord.

Concluding Prayers
Cantor Son of God, we ask you to hear us.
All Son of God, we ask you to hear us.

Cantor Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:
All Grant us your peace.

Choir - Kyrie (Missa Tota Pulchra Es)   - Abbé J. Fabre

Presider Let us pray (silence)
Almighty God,

All whose Son fasted forty days in the wilderness,
and was tempted as we are but did not sin,
give us grace to discipline ourselves in submission to your Spirit,
that as you know our weakness, so we may know your power to save;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Proclamation of the Word
First Reading  Genesis 9:8-17

Reader Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
All Thanks be to God.

The Psalm - Psalm 25  - Chant: James Chepponis
Antiphon: Lord I give myself to you 

Teach me how to live, Lord show me the way.
Steer me toward your truth, you, my saving God, you my constant hope. Antiphon

I call on your tenderness, on your loyal love.
Remember these, not sin, the sins when I was young.
To show your own goodness, God, remember me. Antiphon

Good and just is the Lord, leading those who go wrong back on the right path,
pointing a way for the poor. Antiphon

God’s ways are faithful love for those who keep the covenant.
God confides in you to show you what covenant means. Antiphon

Protect my life and free me; do not fail me, in you I take shelter.
Let integrity stand guard as I wait for you. Antiphon

Second Reading 1 Peter 3:18-22

Reader Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
All Thanks be to God.

Sequence Hymn Forty Days and Forty Nights (CP 175)
Text: George Hunt Smyttan (1882 –1870); Music: Melody attrib. Martin Herbst (1654 –1681);harm: William Henry Monk (1823 –1889); Heinlein (Aus der Tiefe)

1.Forty days and forty nights
you were fasting in the wild,
forty days and forty nights
tempted, and yet undefiled:
2. burning heat throughout the day,
bitter cold when light had fled,
prowling beasts around your way,
stones your pillow, earth your bed.
3. Shall not we your trials share,
learn your discipline of will,
and with you by fast and prayer
wrestle with the powers of hell?
4. So if Satan, pressing hard,
soul and body would destroy,
Christ who conquered, be our guard;
give to us the victor’s joy.
5. Saviour, may we hear your voice—
keep us constant at your side;
and with you we shall rejoice
at the eternal Eastertide.

Deacon The Lord be with you.
All And also with you.

Deacon The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark.
Before the Gospel Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel Mark 1:9-15

Deacon The Gospel of Christ.
After the Gospel Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon Dean Christopher A. Pappas
Silence for Reflection

The Apostles’ Creed
Presider Let us confess the faith of our baptism, as we say,
All I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

The Peace
Please do bow with your hands folded across your heart
and say, “Peace be with you” as a sign of this important greeting.

Celebration of the Eucharist
The Offertory
You are invited to make a financial offering to further God’s mission through the work of the church by texting “Give” to 639.739.0843 and following the instructions; or by clicking on this link Tax receipts are issued annually for gifts totalling $20 or more. Your financial gifts matter and together with the bread and wine they are presented in spirit at the Altar as a sign of thanksgiving to God from whom all blessings flow.
If you are participating in this worship from another church please give generously to your local parish.

Offertory Hymn A Spendthrift Lover Is the Lord (CP 177)
Text: Thomas H. Troeger (1945 –); Music: Alfred V. Fedak (1953 –); Beach Haven

Prayer over the Gifts
Presider God our refuge and our strength,
All receive all we offer you this day, and through the death and resurrection of your Son
transform us to his likeness. We ask this in his name. Amen.

The Great Thanksgiving
Presider The Lord be with you.
All And also with you.
Presider Lift up your hearts.
All We lift them to the Lord.
Presider Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Presider We give you thanks and praise, almighty God,
for the gift of a world full of wonder,
and for our life which comes from you.
By your power you sustain the universe.
All Glory to you for ever and ever.
Presider You created us to love you with all our heart,
and to love each other as ourselves,
but we rebel against you by the evil that we do.
In Jesus, your Son, you bring healing to our world
and gather us into one great family.
Therefore, with all who serve you on earth and in heaven,
we praise your wonderful name, as we sing,

Sanctus Choir (Missa Tota Pulchra Es) Abbé J. Fabre

Presider We give you thanks and praise, loving Father,
because in sending Jesus, your Son, to us
you showed us how much you love us.
He cares for the poor and the hungry.
He suffers with the sick and the rejected.
Betrayed and forsaken, he did not strike back but overcame hatred with love.
On the cross he defeated the power of sin and death.
By raising him from the dead you show us the power of your love
to bring new life to all your people.
All Glory to you for ever and ever.

Presider On the night before he gave up his life for us,
Jesus, at supper with his friends, took bread, gave thanks to you,
broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “Take this, all of you, and eat it:
this is my body which is given for you.”
After supper, Jesus took the cup of wine, said the blessing,
gave it to his friends, and said, “Drink this, all of you: this is the cup of my blood,
the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which is shed for you and for many,
so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.”

All Glory to you for ever and ever.

Presider Gracious God, with this bread and wine
we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus,
and we offer ourselves to you in him.
Send your Holy Spirit on us and on these gifts,
that we may know the presence of Jesus in the breaking of bread,
and share in the life of the family of your children.

All Glory to you for ever and ever.

Presider Father, you call us to be your servants;
fill us with the courage and love of Jesus,
that all the world may gather in joy at the table of your kingdom.
We sing your praise, almighty Father, through Jesus, our Lord,
in the power of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.
All Glory to you for ever and ever. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer
Presider As our Saviour taught us, let us pray,
All Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
now and forever. Amen.

Breaking of the Bread
Presider We break this bread.
All Communion in Christ’s body once broken.
Presider Let your Church be the wheat which bears its fruit in dying.
All If we have died with Christ, we shall live with Christ;
If we hold firm, we shall reign with Christ.
Presider These are the gifts of God for the People of God.
All Thanks be to God.

Share the Gifts
If you know the brokenness of life, its fractures within and its division without, then you have
participated in the broken body of Christ and you are invited to share in Communion.
If you’re joining in via the livestream, please place your hand over your heart and say,
“Come, Lord Jesus, come.”

While the communion is being administered, we respectfully ask that you keep the silence—
this is a time for quiet prayer and meditation.

During Communion Benedictus & Agnus Dei ( Missa Tota Pulchra Es) Abbé J. Fabre

Sending Out of the Disciples
Presider All your works praise you, O Lord.
All And your faithful servants bless you.
Gracious God we thank you for feeding us
with the body and blood of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we, who share his body, live his risen life;
we, who drink his cup, bring life to others;
we, whom the Spirit lights, give light to the world.
Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us,
so that we and all your children shall be free,
and the whole earth live to praise your name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Blessing
Presider Christ give you grace to grow in holiness, to deny yourselves, take up your cross, and follow him;
and the blessing...

Closing Hymn Restore in Us, O God (CP 178)
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr. (1944 –); Music: James Hopkirk (1908 –1972); Bellwoods