Winnie died December 10, 2024, at St. John Hospice in Vancouver, at the age of eighty-eight. She was
predeceased by her parents, siblings Barbara and David (Mary), her son Anthony John Claydon and
brother-in-law Cyril. She leaves behind a devoted husband Colin, daughter Rosemary, granddaughter
Leighla, siblings Roger (Jean) and Susan, brothers-in-law Evan (Brenda), Lindsay (Edwina), and many
cherished family members in the U.K. and Canada.
A devout Christian, she was loving to the core. Winifred adored her family and children and showed
boundless kindness to others, especially the vulnerable. She retained her child-like sense of awe and
wonder about nature and the arts. She was passionate about choral music, singing in Christ Church
Cathedral Choir for 25 years and Vancouver Bach Choir for 42 seasons. She was deeply committed to
social and environmental justice.
A faithful parishioner at Christ Church Cathedral for 67 years, Winnie was a beloved reader and
intercessor and admired for her portrayal of the 14th-century mystic Julian of Norwich. A beautiful,
fun-loving woman, she gardened, cooked, showed hospitality, and played tennis with zest. In her last
decade, she demonstrated her acting skills with gusto on stage and screen.
Rest in peace and may light perpetual shine on her.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Vancouver Bach Choir, Council of Canadians, Christ
Church Cathedral or St. John Hospice.
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