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The Cathedral is beginning the process of searching for a new Vicar - officially known in the diocese as an Assistant Priest. 

The search committee - which is made up of the Cathedral’s lay delegates to Synod, the alternate lay delegates, Archdeacon Douglas Fenton and Deacon Christopher A. Pappas - has held an initial meeting to establish a timeline for the search process.

The next step is to gather feedback from the parish community in order to develop an image of what the cathedral needs in the next vicar and which areas the community wants to grow into with the help of the Vicar. 

Wardens Jane Hope and Elizabeth McCausland, along with Dean Chris will host a series of Listening Sessions over the next few weeks. Three key questions they will focus on during these sessions are: 

1. Please fill in the blanks with a quality, trait or skill: "I really want the new vicar to have/do/be ________, and I would be disappointed if they didn't   ________________.

2. What is the one thing that you wish the Cathedral did more of? (For example: Christian formation, contemplative practice, art and creativity, outdoor exploring - can be anything!)

3. When the Vicar first preaches, what is the one thing you really want to hear from the pulpit?


Two sessions will be held in person and one session will be held on-line so that everyone can take part as they feel most comfortable. 

Sessions will take place on these dates and times: 

Sunday, July 25  | In-person, after each Sunday service  

Sunday August 8 | In-person, after each Sunday service 

August 11 | on-line at  7pm. Register here to receive the Zoom link.