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It was May 2014. The Amazing SpiderMan 2 was in theatres, Pharrell William's "Happy" was killing the charts, and a little community was being formed: St. Brigid's, the 5.30pm church plant at Christ Church Cathedral. Fueled by grants and passion from its founders and supporters, St. Brigid's was founded as a haven for the spiritually exhausted and lonely, and it held that love for so many people.

There were times of deep joy and difficult times, love and loss, a worldwide pandemic, and the departure of these two guiding lights. In October 2021 I, Clare, was beyond humbled and grateful to accept a call to be the new priest for this community.

The time has been tender as we've re-imagined what church looks like in the wake of all that the world has suffered and continues to suffer: not just the horror of mass illness but the sins of homophobia, transphobia, and church-sanctioned exclusion of our siblings in Christ. But St. B's continues to stand strong and shine the light of St. Brigid's welcoming hearth, near and far.

We welcome all to our celebration of ten years in this place!