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Since the shocking incursions in the Holy Land last weekend, many of us have felt outrage and horror at the inhumane terror attacks carried out last weekend in Israel. There is no justification for the intentional killing and hostage-taking of innocent civilians nor for anti-Semitism in any of its manifestations in the Middle East or anywhere.

We know from experience that violence begets violence. Our faith calls us to affirm the value of all human life and decry toxic rhetoric by anyone who dehumanizes an enemy to justify their killing or inhumane treatment, so we join our voices with those who call for a de-escalation of hostilities in the interest of all parties in the region and beyond.

Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Primate of the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, has urged us to pray unceasingly for our Christian, Jewish, and Muslim siblings in the Holy Land:

O God of all justice and peace, we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma
of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in
these days of suffering. We pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and
Christians and for all people of the land. While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to
violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity
to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity
and honour as your children for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’
name, we pray. Amen.