Formation Series
Explore the profound aspects of the Church, its governance, and the inclusive call to membership in the enlightening four-week in-person formation series, "To Love and Serve: The Church." This course delves into key questions surrounding the Church, with a focus on relevant sections from the text To Love and Serve: Anglican Beliefs & Practices by Scott Gunn and
Melody Wilson Shobe (adapted for the Anglican Church of Canada by Jessica Schaap, Rhonda Waters, Grace Pritchard Burson, and Deborah Noonan).
Reverend Jeffrey Preiss will lead participants through reflective sessions and group discussions,
providing insights into the essential themes and readings related to the Church.
January 22: The Church - The Wonderful and Sacred Mystery (Chapter 17)
January 29: Structure & Governance - Be Present With Those Who Take Counsel (Chapter 18)
February 5:The Communion of the Saints - A Great Cloud of Witnesses (Chapter 19)
February 12: Vocation - The Service You Set Before Us (Chapter 20)
Location: Park Room at Church Church Cathedral (Enter from the lower level on Burrard Street)
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Registration & Textbook
Participation in this formation series requires registration. Please sign up in advance to secure
your spot.
Registration link:
The text, To Love and Serve: Anglican Beliefs & Practices, is available at your favourite bookstore or the Cathedral office. It is strongly encouraged that participants have this text. It will be the foundation for conversation and discussion.
Join the Cathedral community on this enlightening journey as we deepen our understanding of the Church and our collective call to love and serve within its sacred community.
For more information, please contact