What is the Maundy?

The Maundy is the Cathedral’s coordinated attempt to harness the power of good food to build health, belonging, and reconciliation in communities affected by systems that perpetuate poverty. 

The Cafe currently serves lunch Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11:30am to 12:30pm in the Parish Hall. Guests have the option of a sit-down meal, or take-out meal. 


Pivoting in a Time of Pandemic

Prior to the pandemic, the Cathedral operated the Café as a five day per week, sit down dining room staffed by 75 volunteers. In 2019, the Cafe served 22,754 meals. The Maundy Ministries team is working towards returning to in-door, seated meal times and will provide updates on progress toward that goal as they are available. 

Volunteer with the Café
The Maundy Café provides vital support to people affected by poverty in our neighbourhood, largely through the generosity of our volunteers and donors.

Participation in the Café tends to be a personally rewarding experience for volunteers and guests alike. It's a place where you can make new connections, and become part of a diverse and vibrant community where you can put your improvisational cooking skills to the test!


The Maundy is currently looking for more volunteers to help with expanded service. If you are interested in volunteering with The Maundy plese email: volunteer@thecathedral.ca




How can I help?
The Maundy seeks to do a lot with a little.

Besides the generous time of hands-on volunteers, we depend on partnerships and financial support from local organizations. From legal services to in-kind donations of food, supplies, and other services we invite you to think about how your organization can help us achieve our goals and give back to the neighbourhood.

We can always use more help.

The Maundy depends on financial donations to continue supporting those made most vulnerable in these times. We are grateful for the support we receive from individuals, businesses, and local organizations, and can always use more help.

Where Your Gift Goes

provides lunch for 50 people for one day
gives grocery support to 288 people for one month
funds Cafe-to-Go for one day

Give to this Vital Ministry

Support the Cathedral's Maundy Café with a one-time or recurring donation. Monthly donors are the lifeblood of the Cafe, allowing us to continue serving people in Vancouver most in need of help.

With Gratitude
The Cathedral is grateful to the following organisations for their partnership with and support of the Maundy.
  • 127 Society for Housing
  • Anglican Initiatives Fund 
  • Anglican Foundation
  • Arbutus Rotary Club
  • Community Food Centres Canada
  • First Baptist Church
  • Greater Vancouver Food Bank
  • New Horizons for Seniors Program 
  • Union Gospel Mission
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
  • Polynova Industries
  • Stable Harvest Farms
  • Urban Aboriginal Ministry
  • Vancouver Foundation 

"The Cathedral uses food to nourish its communities in ways that cultivate connection, holistic health and community resiliency, by honouring the agency, creativity, dignity, intellect, and worth of all who come to the table."

- Cathedral Food Philosophy

In 2020, the Cathedral worked with Union Gospel Mission to create a resource for churches seeking to transform their food ministries from a typical charitable model to one centered on justice. You can download this resource below.