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On Ash Wednesday Dean Chris and the Rev. Clare Morgan offered "Ashes to Go" outside on the corner of W. Georgia & Burrard St. at 8 AM, 12 & 4 PM. “Ashes to Go” is about bringing spirit, belief, and belonging out from behind church doors, and into the places where we go every day. It’s a simple event with deep meaning, drawing on centuries of tradition and worship to provide a contemporary moment of grace. Some people cannot get to church on Ash Wednesday—working two jobs to make ends meet or are committed to substantial family or community needs. Others have forgotten that the church is here for people who aren’t already right with God. That’s why we go to the streets. Our actions speak louder than our words. If someone isn't ready or able to come to church, then the church is willing and able to come to them with God’s invitation to relationship, repentance, and healing.