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On May 10-12, Dean Chris attended the Sorrento Centre's Associates' Work Weekend.  There he joined approximately 20 other associates of the centre, along with the Executive Director the Rev. Michael Shapcott and other staff to engage in a weekend of working on various projects around the Centre's grounds.  The projects included weeding, planting flowers and bushes, setting up planters, cleaning and maintaining the outdoor labyrinth, and a number of other buildings and grounds projects.  The focus of the event is to prepare the Centre for its summer programming.  Each day consisted of morning worship followed by work and a communal meal and the AGM was held on Friday late afternoon and the Centre's cookbook was launched at an event on Saturday evening.

The Cathedral Week at the Centre is planned for the week of July 22 and will include Cathedral-specific activities in the afternoon as well as the regular course and worship offerings.  The Centre is a ministry of the National Church and specifically designed to accommodate families and intergenerational groups.