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At this time of year, we have a series of celebrations that come up, between Harvest, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, we eat hearty meals, get cozy, and celebrate with dinners often with our family and friends. When we set the table, when we prepare, we are setting time apart, naming it as special, and when we do so, we share prayers, graces, thanksgivings and gratitudes, we make intentions in our time and goals as a family, and above all we celebrate and mark the passage of time, sometimes with joy and sometimes with sadness. We light candles, we laugh, we share, we break bread, sometimes that bread was almost out of date dinner rolls that were on sale at walmart. But we do, and we shouldn't take it for granted. We also do this on a Sunday when we set the table to celebrate the Eucharist. These resources draw parallels between the sacred space we make at home when we eat together and the sacred space when make when we share in communion as a community.

Thanksgiving: Setting the Table - About the Resource & Godly Play Style Story

This resource offers a fun and creative way for children to engage in the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Inside you will find printable decorations that are easy to make with little to no craft supplies, just some colouring items, tape, hole punch & scissors. Inside are gratitude prompts and space for coloring and creating. The hope is this free resource will help children be intentional in setting the table, that feasting is more than just preparing and sharing a meal; it's setting aside time to acknowledge our blessings, to name intention into family moments, and to celebrate and mark the passage of time. In the same way that we set the table for the Eucharist on Sundays, this resource encourages kids to understand the importance of gratitude and celebration. Accompanying this resource is a Godly-Play-style story for a Canadian Thanksgiving it can be printed and led by families, priests and lay ministers alike.


Graces for your Family Table

Prayer is a great way to express gratitude in your life, but sometimes prayer is hard to get started, here are some graces for your table that are an easy way for you and your family to share gratitude together.

We thank You God, for all you give; the food we eat, the lives we live; and to our loved ones far away, please send your blessings, God we pray. And help us all to live our days with thankful hearts and loving ways. Amen.

God in our resting, God in our waking,God in our playing, God in our working, God in our speaking, God in our breathing, God in our cooking, God in our eating,God in our giving, God in our caring, God in our loving, God so loving.Amen.

Bless this house and those within. Bless our giving and receiving. Bless our words and conversation. Bless our hands and recreation. Bless our sowing and our growing.Bless our coming and our going. Bless all who enter and depart. Bless this house, your peace impart. Amen.

Find more prayers and graces below.