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Navid is a citizen of Isfahan, a city as beautiful as it is historic, nestled in the heart of Iran. Navid is deeply connected to his city and its streets, which he once enjoyed walking upon. However, in recent years, Isfahan, like many other cities, has been plagued by severe air pollution. Many factors, including rapid urbanization, forest fires, severe deforestation for industrial facilities, and constructing a new nuclear reactor in Isfahan, have caused this issue. These changes have been complex for Navid’s family and fellow Iranians,  who deeply cherish their city's unique charm and rich cultural heritage. 

Iranians are no strangers to adversity, as their country is frequently plagued by environmental and geopolitical challenges. Despite these obstacles, their culture is steeped in a rich heritage and strong family values, which remain the centre of their way of life. 

Each weekend, Navid and his family would come together to prepare a tantalizing feast.  Navid's father, the head of the family, takes charge of the grill and barbecues chicken kababs to perfection. Meanwhile, Navid's mother prepares a mouth-watering dish of saffron rice,  while his sister crafts a vibrant vegetable dish to complement the rest of the meal. With the dinner table set and the delicious food ready to be savoured, Navid's family gathers to enjoy each other's company, and a perfect day concludes with family togetherness. For many  Iranians, the love and support of their family provides a sense of safety and security amidst the difficulties they face. 

Shiraz, the capital of Fars Ostan (province) in beautiful southwestern Iran, has also been a source of love and comfort for Navid’s family. Despite the loss of their great maternal grandmother, who was the matriarch of the family, they still make the journey to Shiraz regularly to connect with their dear aunts and honour the memory of their beloved grandmother. For Navid, the image of his great-grandmother holds a special place in his heart. It reminds him of the deep bonds of family and the importance of staying connected to one's cultural heritage. 

This story reminds Navid and all of us of the preciousness of human connections and the need to cherish the loved ones God has gifted in our lives, even after they are gone. It speaks to the universal human experience of loss and grief and the healing balm of love. 

Navid's journey from Iran to Canada was a transformative experience that took him across borders of not just countries but also emotions and spirituality. His decision to leave a country where he felt his freedoms were constantly being threatened was difficult yet necessary.  Navid longed to find a place where he could express himself without fear of retribution,  where he could practice his faith without persecution, and where he could live his life with purpose in a dignified way. 

Despite having credentials in biomedical engineering from Iran, Navid faced challenges in finding meaningful employment in Canada due to a lack of recognition of his qualifications.  He eventually started working at a restaurant, but unfortunately, he was not paid for over four months. Despite the setback, Navid did not lose hope and found another job as an electrical technician on a construction site during the winter season. Despite investing heavily in work equipment such as clothing and power tools sold by the hiring company, he was unjustly terminated after a month. Amidst disappointments and setbacks, Navid persevered and continued his job search. His perseverance finally paid off when he landed a part-time job at a workplace in North Vancouver. 

Over the last 12 months, Navid discovered a world of unfamiliar hurdles as he settled into his new country. With a language barrier and a lack of cultural proficiency to navigate Canada’s legal and social support system, Navid tasted disorientation and disempowerment. But one Thursday morning in April 2023, a life-changing event occurred. As he stepped into Christ  Church Cathedral for the 7:30 am Eucharist Service, Navid experienced welcoming,  acceptance, safety and peace so deeply quenched for the first time in Canada. Since then, he has found God, a community of trustworthy individuals, and a family. 

Through the trials and tribulations, Navid emerged with a newfound strength that could only have been born from encountering God's divine grace. With this grace, he can walk towards wholeness and human flourishing, which he never thought possible as a foreigner in this land.  He now carries with him a greater sense of purpose and determination, knowing that he is companioned by God and this community on his journey. 

Navid's story is a compelling reminder of the challenges that many migrants face and the importance of recognizing the geopolitical, sociological, and cultural differences that they bring with them. As a Christ-formed community, we are called to be mindful of these barriers and work towards creating an inclusive and welcoming society.  

This story also reveals the impact of systemic actions and policies on the lives of those who are genuinely vulnerable and challenges us to reflect on the truth of human intrinsic worth and dignity. As we consider Navid's journey, may we be moved to work together toward creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.  

We invite you to join us in this vital work, to listen to the stories of those who have faced adversity, and to work towards a society that is compassionate, just, and equitable for all.