With the lifting of Covid restrictions and the blessing of the Bishop, Christ Church Cathedral is returning to sharing wine and bread at the Eucharist, beginning Maundy Thursday, April 14th. This is a moment we have all been longing for.

As we return, a few things have changed, so here are a few things you need to know about the return of the bread and wine: 

- Bread, wine and wafers will be available at all communion stations. Gluten-free wafers will be available in the east alcove.

- at this time there will not be any grape juice

- it is not acceptable to dip (intinct) the bread or wafer into the cup, as this has a greater chance of spreading infection. 

- if you do not wish to receive wine, but would like to stand before or touch the base of the cup while the words are being said, that is fine.

- Please indicate to the priest if you wish to receive a wafer or bread.