Welcome Home

Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral, the Cathedral - or principal church - of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster. We are part of the Anglican Church of Canada and the World Wide Anglican Communion. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whomever you love, and regardless of what you may bring or are searching for, you are welcome here. 

On this page you will find a sample of the different ways you can feed your soul, mind, and body at the Cathedral. You will also find links to ways you can get involved in the community and how to connect with our clergy and staff to explore ways to make this your spiritual home.

Connect with us!
Please complete our online connection form, and a member of our team will be in touch with information about your areas of interest. We look forward to connecting with you and helping you make this your home!

What We Believe Online Connection Form
Worship at The Cathedral
There are many ways to worship at the Cathedral throughout the week. Explore below to find the service that speaks to you. Click on "Livestream" below to see past services.


8am Holy Communion (quiet, reflective)

10:30am Choral Eucharist (festive, intergenerational) ASL interpretation available

1:30pm St. Brigid's Eucharist (vibrant, growing) 

8pm Compline (chant, candlelight) 

Monday to Friday 

9am Morning Prayer on Zoom 

12:15pm Eucharist Service


6:30pm Contemplative Prayer 


7:30am Eucharist & Breakfast